<metadata> Element

This is an optional child element of the sustainsys.saml2 element.

The metadata part of the configuration can be used to tweak the generated metadata. These configuration options only affect how the metadata is generated, no other behavior of the code is changed.


cacheDuration (Optional)

Describes for how long in anyone should cache the metadata presented by the service provider before trying to fetch a new copy. Defaults to one hour.

Examples of valid format strings:

  • 1 day, 2 hours: 1.2:00:00
  • 42 seconds: 0:00:42
validDuration (Optional)

Sets the maximum time that anyone may cache the generated metadata. If cacheDuration is specified, the remote party should try to reload metadata after that time. If that refresh fails, validDuration determines for how long the old metadata may be used before it must be discarded.

In the metadata, the time is exposed as an absolute validUntil date and time. That absolute time is calculated on metadata generation by adding the configured validDuration to the current time.

Examples of valid format strings:

  • 1 day, 2 hours: 1.2:00:00
  • 42 seconds: 0:00:42
wantAssertionSigned (Optional)
Signal to IDPs that we want the Assertions themselves signed and not only the SAML response. Saml2 supports both, so for normal usage this shouldn’t matter. If set to false the entire wantAssertionsSigned attribute is dropped from the metadata as the default values is false.


The following are the possible children elements of the <metadata> element. Each are provided as a link below with full explanations of each.