<identityProviders> Element

This is an optional child element of the sustainsys.saml2 element.

It indicates a list of identity providers known to the service provider.

Each identity provider is added as an <add> element to the <identityProviders> element and the element will end up looking something like what is shown below. Note the possible child element of the <signingCertifcate> which is shown in the second added identity provider element below.

    <add entityId="" signOnUrl="" logoutUrl="" allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse="" binding=""
        wantAuthnRequestsSigned="" loadMetadata="" metadataLocation="" disableOutboundLogoutRequests="" outboundSigningAlgorithm=""/>
    <add entityId="" signOnUrl="" logoutUrl="" allowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse="" binding=""
        wantAuthnRequestsSigned="" loadMetadata="" metadataLocation="" disableOutboundLogoutRequests="" outboundSigningAlgorithm="">
        <signingCertificate storeName="" storeLocation="" findValue="" x509FindType="" />


The issuer name that the idp will be using when sending responses. When <loadMetadata> is enabled, the entityId is treated as a URL to for downloading the metadata.
signOnUrl (Optional)
The url where the identity provider listens for incoming sign on requests. The url has to be written in a way that the client understands, since it is the client web browser that will be redirected to the url. Specifically, this means that using a host name only url or a host name that only resolves on the network of the server won’t work.
logoutUrl (Optional)
The url where the identity provider listens for incoming logout requests and responses. To enable single logout behaviour there must also be a service certificate configured in Saml2 as all logout messages must be signed.
Allow unsolicited responses. That is, Idp initiated sign on where there was no prior AuthnRequest. If true InResponseTo is not required and the IDP can initiate the authentication process. If false InResponseTo is required and the authentication process must be initiated by an AuthnRequest from this SP. Note that if the authentication was SP-intiatied, RelayState and InResponseTo must be present and valid.
binding (Optional)

The binding that the services provider should use when sending requests to the identity provider. One of the supported values of the Saml2BindingType enum.

  • HttpRedirect
  • HttpPost
  • Artifact
wantAuthnRequestsSigned (Optional)
Specifies whether the Identity provider wants the AuthnRequests signed. Defaults to false.
loadMetadata (Optional)
Load metadata from the idp and use that information instead of the configuration. It is possible to use a specific certificate even though the metadata is loaded, in that case the configured certificate will take precedence over any contents in the metadata.
metadataLocation (Optional)
The SAML2 metadata standard strongly suggests that the Entity Id of a SAML2 entity is a URL where the metadata of the entity can be found. When loading metadata for an idp, Saml2 normally interprets the EntityId as a url to the metadata. If the metadata is located somewhere else it can be specified with this configuration parameter. The location can be a URL, an absolute path to a local file or an app relative path (e.g. ~/App_Data/IdpMetadata.xml)
disableOutboundLogoutRequests (Optional)
Disable outbound logout requests to this idp, even though Saml2 is configured for single logout and the idp supports it. This setting might be usable when adding SLO to an existing setup, to ensure that everyone is ready for SLO before activating.
outboundSigningAlgorithm (Optional)

By default Saml2 uses SHA256 signatures if running on .NET 4.6.2 or later and otherwise SHA1 signatures. Set this to set the signing algorithm for any outbound messages for this identity provider. Possible values:

  • SHA1
  • SHA256
  • SHA384
  • SHA512


The following are the possible children elements of the <identityProviders> element. Each are provided as a link below with full explanations of each.